lang="en-US"> No Surprises In Carroll County’s Three Uncontested Races – Carroll Broadcasting Company
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No Surprises In Carroll County’s Three Uncontested Races

Of the six Carroll County elected positions on the ballot Tuesday, three of those contests were uncontested. The candidates included John Werden for Carroll County Attorney, Dean Schettler for District 2 Supervisor and Jean Seidl for Treasurer. There were not any significant write-in campaigns in any of these races. Seidl says she can thank her team in the office for an easy re-election.

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She does not expect to implement any significant changes to the office, but Seidl does foresee some potential obstacles in the near future.

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Werden says he is thankful to voters for re-electing him as County Attorney, but he hopes to have a chance to really debate the issues with an opponent in a future election. According to him, Carroll County remains a safe place to live and work, and he does not expect that to change. However, Werden does point out that some crimes do seem to be on the rise.

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He adds that will put additional pressure on local authorities. As a result, he says his office is changing their attitude on prosecution, using a recent shoplifting case as an example.

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Werden says his goal is not to put every shoplifter behind bars, but repeat offenders will likely face stiffer penalties. Carroll Broadcasting reached out to District 2 Supervisor Candidate, Dean Schettler, but he declined comment on his re-election.