According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), senior citizens are the demographic that is most likely to be targeted by scammers, and two local agencies are working together to educate potential victims on how they can protect themselves and their money. Carroll County Iowa State University (ISU) Extension and Outreach is providing a workshop on Monday, Dec. 3 at Sunnybrook Assisted Living in Carroll. The “Savvy Seniors Avoiding Scams” workshop will be led by Human Sciences and Family Finance Specialist, Carol Ehlers, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. She will help consumers learn about the different types of fraud that are commonly used by criminals and provide tips to protect your assets from loss. Ehlers will also explain to participants what warning signs victims should look for and how to report them to law enforcement. The program is geared towards seniors, but all ages are welcome to educate themselves. There is no cost to attend, and registration can be completed by contacting the Carroll County ISU Extension Office at 792-2364.