Rental assistance applications for low-income individuals are now being accepted at the Region XII Regional Housing Authority. The Housing Choice Vouchers (HCV), formerly known as Section 8 housing, fall under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to assist qualified individuals and families with making monthly rent payments to landlords. Unlike public housing, the vouchers can be used here and then follow the family or individual if they leave the area. Applications must be made in person to the Region XII Housing Authority at 320 East 7th Street in Carroll. Applicants need to provide the original birth certificates and social security cards for each person living in the household. Adults will need to bring a valid driver’s license or ID. A representative does travel to the other counties served one time per month to accept applications and these include Audubon, Crawford, Greene, Guthrie, Harrison, Ida, Shelby and Sac. Applicants from these other counties do need to make an appointment. Contact details to make an appointment or gather more information can be found below.
To contact Region XII Housing Authority:
Phone: 792-5560