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City Of Carroll To Begin Water Main Flushing On Monday, April 8

The City of Carroll will begin the process of flushing water mains through the nearly 500 fire hydrants across town beginning at approximately 7 a.m. Monday, April 8. The extensive water main flushing project will take place between the hours of 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. Mondays through Fridays until the anticipated completion in mid-May. Director of Public Works, Randy Krauel, says they anticipate being able to open about 20 hydrants per day, but the project may be extended into the spring and summer. This procedure is performed to clean out any rust buildup that may remain in the pipes. The residue is the result of higher iron concentrations from the city’s well being pumped into the system prior to the start-up of the water treatment plant. The flushing program is then an effort to induce the breaking off  and removal of that rust. In the best of circumstances, residents will not see any indication that water main flushing is taking place. However, there is the chance that rusty water will remain. And, even though they will be working on specific hydrants in designated areas, rusty water could occur anywhere in the system. A listing of the flushing locations can be found below.