lang="en-US"> Kuemper Catholic School Unveils New Logos And Branding Standards – Carroll Broadcasting Company
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Kuemper Catholic School Unveils New Logos And Branding Standards

The Kuemper Catholic School System has announced the launch of new branding standards and logos, which include updates to some longstanding emblems and some completely new ones. According to Marketing Director, Susie Hulst, the changes are a result of an effort to make the visual brand of the school more consistent and professional and comes thanks to the hard work of an ad hoc Branding Committee, the school board’s Marketing and Enrollment Management Committee and Bill Schenkelberg and Sam Wernimont from the Graphic Edge. Hulst says their intent was to correct some variations that had started to appear in official signage over the years.

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The main Kuemper shield logo is mostly unchanged, with the only difference being a slight modification to the cross at the top. The new logos include a front-facing knight helmet, a full-bodied knight and the cross and “K”. The school’s colors remain the traditional red and gold, but they have specified the official shade of each.

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She notes they will gradually phase out any previous logos or signs. Students will still be allowed to wear uniforms with the older emblems, and some of the more permanent images will be replaced over the course of several years. Hulst says individuals and businesses wishing to use the insignias do have some regulations to follow, but they have left it open to be used in original ways.

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The full Kuemper Branding Standards Guide can be found included with this story on our website, alongside high-resolution images of each of the new logos.

2019 Kuemper Branding Standards Guide