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Atlantic Man Appointed By President To Lead FCA

President Donald Trump has appointed an Atlantic man to lead the Farm Credit Administration (FCA). On Friday, it was formally announced that Glen Smith had taken over as Chairman and CEO of the examination and regulatory authority of the Farm Credit System effective Wednesday, July 17. Smith had served on the FCA board and as a member of the Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation board since being appointed in December of 2017. He is founder and co-owner of Smith Land Service Company, which specializes in farm management, land appraisal and farmland brokerage for about 30 Iowa counties. He and his wife, Fauzan, also farm nearly 2,000 acres, raising corn, soybeans, hay and some cows. Smith says he gained farm experience at a very early age after his father was involved in a disabling farm accident. He graduated from Iowa State University in 1979 with a Bachelor of Science in agricultural business.

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