City officials in Lake View indicate construction on the community’s new lagoon on the north side of town is running on budget but will not be finished before the estimated completion date. Administrator, Scott Peterson, updated the council on the $6 million wastewater treatment project at Tuesday’s meeting. According to Peterson, contractors are about six weeks behind schedule.
Weather conditions, design adjustments and a variety of other factors have contributed to the project’s delay. Despite these setbacks, Peterson is pleased to report work has started on some of the final pieces.
Lake View’s lagoon project was originally estimated to cost approximately $4.5 million dollars, but bids came in well over budget. Due to the need for a new wastewater treatment system, the city council opted to move forward with the $6 million bid last year. Peterson says the total cost should be very close to that dollar amount.
City officials began preparing for this large project in 2016 by raising sewer rates by 12.5 percent per year. These measured increases were scheduled to sunset in 2020, but they were extended to 2022 to offset the unexpectedly high price tag.