lang="en-US"> Carroll City Council Approves Change Orders, Service Agreements And Library Equipment Purchases At Monday’s Meeting – Carroll Broadcasting Company
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Carroll City Council Approves Change Orders, Service Agreements And Library Equipment Purchases At Monday’s Meeting

The Carroll City Council approved several change orders, authorized two professional services agreements and moved forward with the purchase of equipment for the new library during their meeting earlier this week. One of the first projects discussed was the resurfacing of West Street from 7th Street to 18th Street in 2020. Public Works Director, Randy Krauel, says the city is eligible for a Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) from the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT).

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To receive that funding, the council unanimously approved a transportation agreement with the Iowa DOT. The first change order was a request from US Cellular for structural analysis of the city’s water tower to accommodate additional antennas. This was approved at a cost of $4,800 to the city that will be reimbursed by US Cellular. The second change order was on improvements to the wastewater treatment plant’s disinfection systems. Krauel told the council underground conditions required design alterations of nearly $24,000.

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With this change, the project’s expected total cost is now slightly over $991,000. The council then approved two separate agreements with JEO Consulting for an estimated $262,000 to design and oversee water main and well replacements planned for next year. City officials then reviewed bids for library furniture and equipment, approving proposals from six companies for nearly $92,000. According to City Manager, Mike Pogge-Weaver, they need only purchase items for one more section and are projected to come in under budget.

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The council approved an $18,696 bid from Drees Company for security cameras to be installed at the library. The combined city hall and library renovation was estimated to cost between $6.65 and $6.94 million. Pogge-Weaver told the council he expects it to finish between $50,000 and $100,000 below the high end.