There has been a reporting discrepancy found in the results for the East Sac County Community School District Board of Education election. On the Secretary of State website, these numbers are reported in the Sac County section to reflect the number of votes coming from within Sac County. However, some residents residing in contiguous counties are also allowed to vote in the election. For this reason, the Secretary of State site has set up a section that is for school board elections only. The East Sac County election is reported here as well with some numbers slightly changed to reflect the additional votes. These numbers are in the same order running down the list. However, the discrepancy arose in the names associated with each number. Carroll Broadcasting has reached out to the Sac County Auditor for clarification. They are working with the Secretary of State’s Office to clear this up and we will bring you those results as soon as they become available. Photos of the two pages can be found included below.
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