The Carroll American Legion and Boy Scout Troop #105 have been putting out flags along the U.S. Highway 30 corridor for each patriotic holiday since the early 1960s. In recent years, frequent use and weather have depleted the supply and they are down to less than 100 usable flags. A fundraiser was suggested and there was an estimate made that they would need an additional 200. Legion member, RT Schreck, says that he and their post’s historian, Wally Rose, had a discussion about needing to count poles for an accurate number. After a failed run at trying to drive and walk the highway to do this, Schreck called City Hall and asked Public Works Director, Randy Krauel, for an official count.
To accomplish this, Schreck says they need 770 flags.
Schreck says there is another problem with the existing flags.
They are estimating a cost of about $30 per flag and pole for a total expenditure of $23,100. The Legion will be joining Carroll Broadcasting at the empty lot across the street to the west of Casey’s General Store on Highway 30 west today, Wednesday, Nov. 6, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. to collect donations. Schreck says a fundraiser of this scope takes big donors, but it is the individuals throughout the community who will carry this one to their goal. He adds there are no administrative expenses, every penny of the tax-deductible gifts will be used to purchase the flags and poles, which will have a lifespan of about 15 years. Schreck is encouraging everyone to do what they can in support of this project and stop by with their donation today, send them to the Carroll American Legion at P.O. Box 213, Carroll, Iowa 51401, contact Schreck or any Legion member to make a donation or leave it at Carroll Broadcasting at 1119 Plaza Drive.