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Farmer Seeks Help From Carroll County On Drain Problems Created By Beaver Dams

A local farmer contacted County Engineer, Dave Paulson, and reported that he had found beaver dams in one of his fields while combining this fall.

Carroll County Board of Supervisors Chair, Neil Bock, says simply removing the dams won’t solve the problem. The beavers will still be there and will likely rebuild in the same place. A discussion about the options available took place, and the idea of having licensed trappers come in was broached. Bock says in order to ensure the animals have been removed, the board would likely require proof from the trapper before they would pay a bounty. It was proposed to set a $40 rate per animal, with an estimation that there are likely eight beaver or less in the two dam sites. The motion was unanimously approved by the board. Paulson says there are two county employees who are also trappers, and they would start by offering the bounty to them first, after acquiring permission from the landowner for access.

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