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Protect Yourself From “Warm-Up Thefts” This Winter

The Iowa State Patrol is issuing a cautionary warning to residents as the weather turns colder. This time of year, many people start their cars and allow them to run and warm up before getting in and driving to their destination. This can be a temptation too good to pass up for some thieves. These “warm-up thefts” can be prevented through some simple steps. Never leave your keys in the ignition, even for just a minute or two; keep your valuables out of site; always roll up the windows and lock the doors, even if the vehicle is sitting in your driveway; do not keep the title in the car; be alert when approaching your vehicle, have your keys in your hands and scan under, in and around the car; only park in well-lit areas; install a mechanical locking device; and if your car has an alarm, USE IT.