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Congressman King Stands Behind President As House Passes Resolution To Limit Military Action

Following a Thursday vote in the House of Representatives to pass a measure that aims to limit the ability of President Donald Trump to utilize military force in response to hostilities from Iran, Iowa’s 4th District Representative, Steve King, released a statement on his vote against. King says the congressional resolution is nothing more than an attempt to tie the president’s hands. “Leave it to House Democrats, so consumed with hatred for this President, to increasingly bemoan the death of the world’s top terrorist and introduce bad legislation that seeks to tie the President’s hands should a similar order need to be given in the future,” King says. This vote flies in the face of the fact that Iran has never been held accountable for acts of terrorism against Americans and that there were plans for more attacks in the works. “House Democrats might want to send the Iranians pallets of cash like President Appeaser-in-Chief, Obama did, but I stand with letting President Trump, our Commander-in-Chief, make the tough calls and take the swift and certain actions that he determines are necessary to protect our nation, our citizens and our interests from Iranian acts of hostility,” says King. Congressional Resolution 83 passed through the House on a vote of 224-194.