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South Central Calhoun School District Begins Search For New Superintendent

Pictured: Shared Superintendent at SCC, ESC and Ar-We-Va, Jeff Kruse


South Central Calhoun (SCC) Superintendent, Jeff Kruse, is leaving his position as head administrator of the district at the end of the year, but its unclear if he will remain as the lead administrator for two other local districts. Kruse currently is the shared superintendent at SCC, East Sac County (ESC) and Ar-We-Va. He made the announcement in December and says he feels SCC is in a position where he is comfortable stepping away.

ESC is currently in the process of reducing the number of buildings in the district from four to two, ultimately ending up with a joint middle and high school in Lake View and an elementary school in Sac City. Kruse says he is hoping to remain superintendent at ESC and Ar-We-Va, but there are some issues with contract sharing. Because SCC holds Kruse’s contract, the other two districts will need to determine how they want to proceed.

The ESC and Ar-We-Va school boards are expected to start exploring their options at the regularly scheduled February meetings. South Central Calhoun has contracted with Grundmeyer Leader Search, the same company that assisted the Carroll Community School District in hiring Dr. Casey Berlau, to assist them throughout the process. A survey is available for stakeholders to provide input and direction for the firm during the search, and a link to that survey can be found included with this story on our website. The board will review candidates near the beginning of March with final interviews scheduled the week of March 24. Kruse’s last official day as SCC superintendent will be Tuesday, June. 30.


SCC Superintendent Search Survey

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