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Sioux City Diocese Leaves Precautionary Measures To Prevent Spread Of Influenza And COVID-19 Up To Individual Parishes

The Diocese of Sioux City has released a statement addressing parishioners’ concerns regarding the potential spread of influenza and coronavirus during Mass. According to church officials, the decision to suspend the use of a shared chalice during Communion or the exchange of peace is being left to individual parishes at this time. Bishop, R. Walker Nickless, says, “Individual parishioners who are ill should be assured that they are not obligated to attend mass, and anyone detecting symptoms or suspecting the onset of illness should be encouraged to exercise their best judgement about mass and parish events.” In a memo to priests and deacons, Bishop Nickless indicated he was reluctant to issue an all-encompassing directive to all parishes and said, “The experts are not in agreement regarding how the present situation will change and develop. What I reassert is that it is the pastor’s call. If a pastor feels that due to the threat of contagious illness [that] he needs to suspend the Communion cup for an indefinite period of time, he has my full support.” Several parishes in the diocese have already made the decision to cancel some practices. Bishop Nickless encourages parishioners to follow the health guidelines laid out by state and national health officials, particularly regular hand-washing practices. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports nearly 100 COVID-19 patients have been identified in the U.S., including 11 deaths in the state of Washington. As of Wednesday, eight individuals in Iowa have been tested for the respiratory virus. Seven have returned negative and 1 case is still pending.