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All Area Schools Cancel And Carroll Rec Center Closes As Governor Calls For Next Level Covid-19 Response

As the first substantial reports of community-spread Covid-19 cases were reported across the state over the weekend, Iowa Gov., Kim Reynolds, has called for all schools to close for four weeks and a suspension of group gatherings. Reynolds held a press conference late Sunday evening. “Based on new information today from the Iowa Department of Public Health, now is the time to move to the next level of response,” she said. With this recommendation for mitigation of the spread of Covid-19, all area schools will close effective today (Monday). Ar-We-Va, Carroll, Glidden-Ralston, Coon Rapids-Bayard and IKM-Manning have already announced they are complying with the four-week timeline recommended. East Sac County and South Central Calhoun are closed today and will release additional details soon. Audubon Community Schools are on spring break this week and will update soon. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also updated their mass gathering guidance on Sunday evening, saying large events that involve 50 or more people should be postponed for the next eight weeks. They say the goal is to reduce introduction of the virus into new communities and to slow the spread in communities already infected by the virus. Because of this new guideline, the City of Carroll has closed the Rec Center effective today. Nationwide, cities are calling for the closure of restaurants, bars, theaters and all other venues and events where large groups gather. Links to the CDC guidelines and to the Iowa Department of Public Health’s (IDPH) Facebook page where updates are being posted can be found below.


Iowa Department of Public Health updates:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines: