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Regardless Of COVID-19 Peak Date, Carroll County Emergency Management Coordinator Says NOW Is The Time For Preventative Measures

Carroll County Emergency Management Coordinator, Sara Anderson, says even though it has been said numerous times, it needs to be stressed how important it is for everyone to practice physical distancing NOW, not later. She says the models, posted at covid19.healthdata.org/, are constantly changing, with the peak date recently moved from April 18 to May 1. Anderson warns that some people have a false sense of security because of that distancing from the peak and since we have only had one positive case reported in Carroll County. However, that doesn’t mean it is not more prevalent within our area communities.

People are also still congregating, in stores and outdoor areas, and that needs to be stopped as well. Anderson points out that as some justify what they are doing, perhaps the messaging needs to be more specific.

She adds this is a hard message for people to grasp, but cases are surrounding us and new cases are being added every day. It is not a matter of if, Anderson iterates, but when it becomes more widespread locally. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is in short supply due to high consumption rates and a decreased worldwide supply. Carroll County was originally requesting PPE for about a half dozen providers, but new proclamations on the state level have pushed that number to more than 20. Orders are being filled only at around a 25 percent level and Anderson has concerns that we will not have enough on hand when needed most. Because the models have moved the anticipated peak date out, Anderson says one of the most worrisome aspects is data showing a shortage of ventilators and PPE and that we may be one of the last states to be affected; therefore one of the last to get aid.

One of the best resources for information and strategies is Carroll County Public Health, but Anderson points out they are woefully underutilized.

The Link to Carroll County Public Health’s Coronavirus Updates Facebook Page and to the full interview with Anderson can be found below.


Carroll County Public Health Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Carroll-County-Public-Health-510158605672606/


Full interview with Sara Anderson: https://www.1380kcim.com/episode/kcim-interview-carroll-county-emergency-manager-sara-anderson/

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