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Carroll Supervisors Allocate Up To $200,000 For Purchase Of PPE and Other Necessary Equipment During Public Health Crisis

The Carroll County Board of Supervisors have authorized the transfer of up to $200,000 in Local Option Sales Tax (L.O.S.T.) funds to purchase personal protective equipment and other necessary medical supplies for distribution to county agencies and hospitals. The only item of business on the agenda for today’s (Friday) special meeting was discussion on the county’s ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Communications Supervisor and 911 Coordinator, Jason Hoffman, recommended the supervisors appoint section chiefs under the National Incident Management System (NIMS) to prepare for the expected peak in cases near the start of May.

The four main sections under NIMS are Operations, Finance, Logistics and Public Information. Emergency Management Coordinator, Sara Anderson, suggested County Auditor, Kourtney Irlbeck for Finance; Public Health Nurse, Sara Schulte, for Operations; Director of Environmental Services, Carey Kersey, for Logistics; and Sarah Skinner, also with Public Health, for Public Information. The most pressing issue for the county is personal protective equipment (PPE) supplies. Anderson says they have already started identifying items in addition to masks and gloves that will be needed.

With supplies extremely limited and only available for short windows, Anderson suggested the county create an account for them to use to make purchases, which can then be distributed to EMS, law enforcement or hospitals as needed. Based on the numerous items on the list, Chair, Rich Ruggles, suggested $200,000 as a starting point.

The supervisors agreed the best source for this money would be L.O.S.T. and unanimously approved a resolution allocating the funds for the purchase of PPE and other necessary equipment during the public health emergency. The board will need to approve a budget amendment for this transfer, and a public hearing date will likely be scheduled during next week’s meeting.

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