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America’s SBDC Iowa Announces Five-Day Small Business Challenge To Support Local Companies

America’s Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Iowa announced plans today (Thursday) for a statewide initiative to showcase ways to help small businesses while practicing physical distancing from the comfort of home. The Support Small Businesses Five Day Challenge is a six-part video series beginning on Sunday, April 26, followed by daily challenges throughout next week. Some of those challenges include posting on social media about your favorite local shops, restaurants and other small businesses, purchasing gift cards for use after restrictions are lifted, writing online reviews and more. State Director, Lisa Shimkat, says “We’re excited to share a way for everyone to support all types of small businesses from the safety of their home.” She encourages participants to use the campaign’s hashtag of #Back2Biz while completing their challenges. Introductory videos can be found by following the link included beneath this story, with new videos added daily on their social media pages from April 26 to May 1. Links to those can also be found below.


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