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IKM-Manning Seniors Will Have Year To Remember As Community And District Honor The Class Of 2020

High School seniors around the nation have seen some of the best parts of their last year put on hold or cancelled altogether. Athletic events, proms, senior outings and group events, including graduation ceremonies, have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. But many communities and districts are finding ways to honor the class of 2020. Those travelling by the football complex on 10th Street in Manning are going to see a special tribute to the 39 IKM-Manning seniors as banners of each will be displayed on the fencing. Special Education instructor, Dan Spooner, and community members came up with the idea of working with I Saw the Sign in Carroll to produce the banners that will then be presented to the graduates. It didn’t take long for contributions to roll in and $800 of the $1,170 needed was raised right away. The speed of response brought about another idea, and organizers decided any money over-and-above banner costs will go toward the purchase of Chamber Bucks for use in the senior’s hometown community; giving back to the local businesses that have supported them over the years. A goal of $50 per student has been established and an account opened at First National Bank in Manning. Spooner says, “I have spent time with these young ladies and men in the classroom, on the track, on the football field and in the driver’s education car and wanted to honor them when they had something that is special to many of them basically ripped away from them and they may not get to experience these things.” He adds, he understands 100 percent that for some monetary donations are not possible. Any support that can be provided in any form, however, will be forever appreciated by these young graduates. Details on how to contribute can be found below.


To contact Dan Spooner:    

          Phone: 712-790-9430


Checks can be designated for IKM-Manning School Seniors and mailed to:

          209 10th St., Manning, IA 51455

Contributions by PayPal and credit card can be made on the IKM-Manning School District website: