For the past six years, Brian Brauckman, has hosted a local car show. He also initiated a social media outlet associated with the show called the Friday Night Special Facebook Group. Brauckman says he is not yet sure when they will be able to hold this year’s event, but in the meantime, they are continuing their love of all things automotive by cruising on Friday nights.
More than 175 vehicles of all different types took part last week and it has drawn the attention of other community members, including some who work at New Opportunities. Brauckman was contacted by Amy Hunziker about the idea of combining the ride with a food drive to benefit the New Opportunities food pantry. This spawned the first Cruise for a Cause this Saturday, May 9.
The cruise will run from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. and food can be dropped off anytime in the area to the west of the Piranha Club on Plaza Drive. They will have plenty of vehicles there to load up with nonperishable items and then will lead participants on a loop.
Brauckman says that in addition to a listing of food and personal hygiene donations, they will be taking in cash as well. He has already been contacted by those willing to match some of that money raised.
More details are available on the Friday Night Special Facebook group page, a link to which is included below.
Friday Night Special Facebook group page: