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Carroll’s Windstar Lines Joins Hundreds Of Motor Coaches In D.C. Seeking Aid From Federal Government

A motor coach from Carroll’s Windstar Lines joined approximately 850 buses from transportation companies from around the country in Washington D.C. today (Wednesday) to encourage legislators to include the motor coach industry in the next COIVD-19 stimulus bill. Windstar President, Jeff Greteman, says almost every company has been negatively impacted by the pandemic, especially transportation companies.

According to Greteman, Windstar Lines furloughed approximately 370 employees in March as transportation demand plummeted. Fortunately, he says they were able to bring many of those employees back through the payment protection grants in the CARES act, but that funding will soon run out.

Greteman adds motor coaches transport around 600 million people annually, very near the 750 million people transported domestically by airlines each year. They are requesting $15 billion dollars in aid from the federal government, which Greteman says is not a big ask compared to what they have already awarded to similar agencies.

Greteman was joined by five others on the trip: his brothers, Scott and Pat; his father, Mike; his son, Jackson; and his brother-in-law, Jair Mayhall.

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