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Manning Recovery Center Re-Opens In-Patient Substance Abuse Treatment With New COVID-19 Policies And Procedures

As the nation focuses on COVID-19 case numbers, it has become clear the impact is more far-reaching than just the infection itself. Many services and healthcare procedures were suspended in efforts to stem the spread of the coronavirus, and substance abuse treatments were included. Manning Recovery Center, at Manning Regional Healthcare Center (MRHC), offers both in- and out-patients services, and Director, Eric Weinkoetz is pleased to announce they have re-opened.

Although in-patient treatments were closed, they were able to offer telehealth services to provide continuity for patients. There are, however, some new limitations and procedures that have been introduced for the safety of patients and staff.

The pre-screening measures and questions, with the exception of the COVID-19 testing, are the same as those done for all staff and patients entering the facility, not just the Recovery Center. The isolation impacts the center’s regular occupancy rate, but Weinkoetz says that too will change soon.

Weinkoetz says they take patient referrals from other agencies and they also use an assessment tool to determine whether or not the individual needs in- or out-patient treatment. He says making the call and taking this assessment are the critical first steps in the recovery process.

It is too early yet to determine if COVID-19 will result in a spike of substance abuse. Weinkoetz says there are likely a lot of people who are turning to something to help them cope to get through this difficult time. The hope is they don’t become dependent on it. The Manning Recovery Center is dedicated to serving the whole person and able to connect with other professionals for physical, mental and emotional issues that may accompany a substance abuse diagnosis. More information and the self-assessment are available online and can be accessed by following the link included below or you can call the Manning Recovery Center directly at 712-655-2300. A link to this full interview can also be found here.


Manning Recovery Center website: https://manningrecoverycenter.com/

Full interview with Manning Recovery Center Director, Eric Weinkoetz:

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