lang="en-US"> Carroll Council Upholds Vicious Animal Designation In Incident Resulting In Euthanization of One Dog – Carroll Broadcasting Company
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Carroll Council Upholds Vicious Animal Designation In Incident Resulting In Euthanization of One Dog

Earlier this week, the Carroll City Council heard evidence in a vicious animal appeal from a May 10 incident. The designation, made by Carroll Police Chief, Brad Burke, was in accordance with City Code.

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On that morning, a Bloodhound, belonging to Matthew and Natasha Prenger, attacked and seriously injured a Pomeranian belonging to Nate Perry. Burke said authorities were notified by a witness that a dog running loose had attacked another dog on a leash, being walked by Perry near Simon and 16th Street.

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Natasha Prenger was visibly upset and asked after the other animal. It later came to light the Bloodhound had dug a hole under a fence and escaped. Perry testified he saw the animal in the bushes and crossed the street to avoid it. He tried to block it as it charged, but it got around him. This, Perry said, was an extremely frightening incident, and though there were no visible bite marks on his Pomeranian, the damage was extensive.

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Prenger told the council they had never seen this behavior in the past six years of ownership. The dog was raised around a Husky, a Pomeranian, a cat, and the couple’s children. She said as soon as she learned the dog had gotten out, she sprang into action.

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However, even though this was a family pet with no violent history, Burke said it falls under the city code definitions. Burke added the testimony presented had not changed his mind. The council voted unanimously to uphold the designation and the animal, which had been moved to a location outside the city limits, will not be allowed back. The Prenger’s were to receive written notification of this decision within three days and they do have the right to another appeal.