Iowa Attorney General’s Office Fields Complaint Calls About Stimulus Debit Cards
Iowa Attorney General, Tom Miller, says his department has heard from about 200 Iowans who have concerns or complaints about the stimulus prepaid debit cards that are being issued to nearly four million Americans. The cards have
Carroll County Covid-19 Positive Case Count Goes Up By One Again On Tuesday
Carroll County Public Health has confirmed another positive COVID-19 case, bringing the total to 12. Of these 12 cases, nine have fully recovered. Health officials are reminding residents that as more and more businesses, organizations and activities
Carroll Main Street Closed At Crossing For Track Repairs
A segment of Main Street in Carroll has been closed down today (Tuesday) and it is estimated it will remain that way for at least another day. Director of Public Works, Randy Krauel, says the Union Pacific
Carroll Chamber And CADC Opened Their Doors Again Monday And Continue To Connect Businesses To Reopening Resources
The Carroll Chamber of Commerce and Carroll Area Development Corporation (CADC) offices officially opened back up to the general public on Monday. Access is available from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday at the Carroll
Nearly All Crops Are In And Warm Weather Is Expected To Move Them Along
Although crop producers across Iowa only saw an average of 2.7 days suitable for fieldwork in the last week due to widespread rainfall, spring planting is nearly complete. “Iowa is expecting warmer temperatures over the next few