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Bishop Nickless Sets Weekend Of June 27 For Diocese To Return To Masses At Pastor’s Discretion

After three months of suspended Masses due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Bishop of the Sioux City Diocese, R. Walker Nickless, will be allowing the re-opening at the discretion of pastors effective the weekend of June 27 and June 28. Since the suspension of Masses on March 16, the diocesan COVID task force and Bishop Nickless have monitored data points locally, statewide, regionally and nationally. They tracked new coronavirus cases, hospital bed, intensive care and ventilator usage and the projections of the spread of the virus along with other data. The benchmark this group used to determine when they would return to public liturgy and other events has always been a 14-day consistently downward trajectory in those categories. As the numbers are slowly falling in Iowa, they are predicting this 14-day benchmark in those categories will be reached between June 20 and June 24. Once the suspension is lifted, safeguard measures will be implemented and include: spacing of pews to allow for social distancing, the mandatory use of face masks and making hand sanitizer available at the entrances to the church. The obligation to attend Sunday Mass remains dispersed for Catholics in the diocese until the end of the calendar year. The elderly and more vulnerable high-risk populations are reminded that although Mass is being offered, it is recommended they remain at home. The lifting of the suspension will also allow the pastor to utilize discretion with weddings, funerals and other parish hall events as long as the safety measures are followed. As of July 6, Bishop Nickless will allow weekday Masses two days per week and churches may open for two hours each day five-days per week, again at the pastor’s discretion. The plan is that on July 20, pastors may make the decision to return to normal schedules.

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