oll City Council held a virtual public hearing Monday night to discuss the plans, specifications and estimated costs of a pickleball complex at Graham Park as prepared by FEH Design. Director of Parks and Recreation, Jack Wardell, says there are two options presented in this packet. Your browser doesn’t support HTML5 audio Your browser doesn’t support HTML5 audio Your browser doesn’t support HTML5 audio Your browser doesn’t support HTML5 audio
Wardell says the funding for this project is from several different areas.
Once design fees and other associated costs for soil borings and documentation are deducted from the funding sources, this leaves more than $182,300 for the project. Council member, Carolyn Siemann, asked if there were any other grants that will be added. Rich Hartley, with the Pickleball Association, says this is a possibility.
Hartley says once the bids are opened, they will have those actual costs and that will allow them to write grant applications for some of the other opportunities. Councilman, LaVern Dirkx, questions entering into a construction contract without knowing all of the funding sources as bids are valid for only 30 days.
Dirkx was advised that this public hearing is not about approving construction, but rather on accepting the plans and specifications to move forward with finding out what the actual costs will be. The council adopted these by a unanimous vote. These specifications were made available to contractors on Monday for their bid development. Bids will be opened on Aug. 4 and an award will be made at the Monday, Aug. 10 council meeting.