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New Initiative From IDPH And IA Board Of Pharmacy Aims to Further Reduce Opioid Overdose Deaths

Today (Tuesday), marked the beginning of a joint initiative between the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) and Iowa Board of Pharmacy that aims to provide lifesaving overdose-reversal drugs for free at pharmacies throughout the state. As of July 14, any individual 18 and older can request to be screened by a pharmacist to receive up to two NARCAN naloxone spray kits at no cost to the recipient. When used properly, naloxone binds to opioid receptors in the brain and often prevents the fatal effects of an overdose. Health officials have seen success with similar initiatives in the last few years. A 2016 statewide standing order made naloxone available without a prescription, offered kits to law enforcement agencies and EMTs and provided education to stakeholders to prepare them to train others to recognize and respond to an overdose. Data shows opioid-related deaths in Iowa dropped from 206 in 2017 to 137 deaths in 2018. However, 2019 data indicates a noticeable spike to 155 opioid deaths to date. IDPH Opioid Initiatives Director, Kevin Gabbert, says, “While the dynamics of opioid misuse are complicated, greater availability of naloxone can help keep people alive, offer a chance to get help, and begin a journey of recovery.” For more information on opioid overdoses and naloxone access, follow the link included below.

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