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Breda City Council Approves Code Change Requiring Golf Carts On City Streets To Be Operated By Licensed Drivers

The Breda City Council has approved an ordinance change that increases the requirements for golf carts to operate on city streets. The city code’s first reading was unanimously approved at their Monday, July 13 meeting. Under the new ordinance, anybody operating a golf cart must possess a valid driver’s license and be able to provide proof of liability insurance. Carts are also required to be equipped with a certain amount of safety equipment, including slow-moving vehicle signs, bicycle flags and suitable brakes. Operation is limited to between sunrise and sunset unless the vehicle is outfitted with headlamps and brake lights. Individuals who knowingly allow a non-licensed individual to operate a golf cart on city streets may be held criminally liable under the new code. An ordinance change generally requires three readings to be approved. However, the council approved a motion waiving the second and third readings and the change takes effect immediately.