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Carroll County COVID-19 Cases Rise By 20 Over The Weekend

Carroll County positive COVID-19 cases have risen by 20 since Friday morning. As of 6 a.m. today (Monday), Carroll has 169 positive cases with 120 of those recovered and one reported death. In the region, Crawford has a reported 697 cases with 664 recovered and three deaths, Guthrie rises to 119 cases with 69 recovered and five deaths. Sac County is at 76 with 63 recovered and no reported deaths, Calhoun has 73 positives, 63 recovered and two deaths, Greene has reported 37 positives, 29 recovered and zero deaths and Audubon is at 25 positive cases with 15 recovered and one coronavirus-related death. Over the weekend, the state numbers rose to 42,358 positive COVID-19 cases with 29,727 recovered and 829 deaths. The majority of deaths in Iowa, 88 percent, are in older adults with the highest age group, those 80 and over, representing 48 percent of deaths and those in the 61 to 80 age category at 40 percent. Carroll County Public Health continues to urge residents to utilize preventative measures, such as social distancing, the wearing of a mask when that is not possible and frequent washing and/or sanitizing of hands. If someone in your household tests positive for COVID-19 and is self-isolating, it is important that all others living in the home self-quarantine for 14 days, starting from the last day they were exposed to COVID-19. Self-isolation and quarantining mean staying at home. These individuals are to monitor their health by taking their temperature at least two times per day and notifying Carroll County Public Health at 794-5597 if any symptoms develop.