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Carroll County Supervisors To Host Public Hearing On Proposed FY21 Budget Amendment At Monday’s Meeting

The Carroll County Board of Supervisors’ agenda for next week’s regularly scheduled meeting appears to be a relatively short one. The board will convene Monday morning and begin their meeting with the approval of payables, a Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 substance abuse contract and a class C liquor license for the Carroll Bowl. They then move on to review nine submitted manure management annual updates and hear reports from the supervisors on their respective committees. At 10 a.m., the board will hold a public hearing on a proposed FY21 budget amendment. Following the hearing, they will consider the appropriations resolution. The Monday, Aug. 10 meeting begins at 9 a.m. at the Carroll County Courthouse and will be livestreamed via YouTube, a link to which is included with this story on our website. Comments and questions on agenda items can either be emailed to supervisors@carrollcountyiowa.org prior to 9 a.m., or can be asked by attendees at the virtual meeting who have created a YouTube account and are subscribed to the county’s channel.

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