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Area Farmers Encouraged To Register For Upcoming Ag Coffees On Drought and Derecho Impacts

Iowa State University (ISU) Extension and Outreach will be hosting several ag coffees for producers throughout the region early next month to discuss the impacts of the ongoing drought and Aug. 10 derecho. Each meeting will be split into two segments. The first features ISU Field Agronomist, Mike Witt, who will provide insight on harvesting downed corn, managing harvest expectations, addressing storage issues and much more. Farm Management Specialist, Tim Christensen, will lead the second half with conversations on the financial impact of the events, fall strategies, crop insurance and other topics. The Audubon, Calhoun, Carroll, Greene, Guthrie and Sac County ISU meetings begin at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 9. In-person seating is limited due to COVID-19 restrictions. To reserve a seat or to access the virtual conversation, use the contact information included below.
Audubon County Extension (608 Market St., Audubon): 712-563-4239
Calhoun County Extension (325 Court St., Rockwell City): 712-297-8611
Carroll County Extension (1205 West US Hwy 30 Ste G., Carroll): 712-792-2364
Crawford County Extension (35 South Main St., Denison): 712-263-4697
Greene County Extension (104 W. Washington St., Jefferson): 515-386-2138
Guthrie County Extension (212 State St., Guthrie Center): 641-747-2276
Harrison County Extension (304 East 7th St., Logan): 712-644-2105
Ida County Extension (209 ½ Moorhead Ave., Ida Grove): 712-364-3003
Monona County Extension (119 Iowa Ave., Onawa): 712-423-2175
Sac County Extension (620 Park Ave., Sac City): 712-662-7131
Shelby County Extension (906 Sixth St., Harlan): 712-755-3104