An annual event helping area households dispose of hazardous materials had to be cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic earlier this year. However, Director of the West Central Iowa Solid Waste Management Association (WCISWMA), Mary Wittry, says they are looking forward to assisting Carroll County residents this Saturday on Household Hazardous Materials Disposal Day.
The site at 19111 Kittyhawk Ave. is a change from their regular collection location at Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC) in Carroll. Wittry says they have partnered with DMACC for years, but relocated this time because of the college’s addition project. Wittry says there are a variety of items we use every day that people may not know are considered hazardous. And even if they do know, they can often be unsure of how to dispose of them.
Fluorescent and LED lightbulbs along with lithium and ion rechargeable batteries are considered hazardous as well. These either emit harmful chemicals when crushed or can explode, causing fires and should be kept out of the landfills.
County residents can also drop off used needles, as long as they are in an approved sharps’ container or in a very heavy, rigid plastic container that is firmly duct taped shut. She says, however, there are many items they will not be taking, such as latex paint and more.
Again, there is no charge to Carroll County residents for the disposal of household hazardous waste between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. on Saturday Aug. 29. As a safety precaution for all, those participating will need to enter through the north gate and remain in their vehicles. Businesses or farms need to call ahead, make an appointment and pay for disposal. Anyone with questions can call WCISWMA at 792-5001.