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One Carroll Supervisor Is “Stunned” By Reaction To Efforts At Personal And Public Growth

Carroll County Supervisors have approved sharing fees associated with a leadership program after clarification on the allowability under code and several weeks of debate. At a previous meeting Supervisor, Stephanie Hausman, brought back the tabled topic, saying she had been approached by organizers of the Leadership Iowa Program.

She says the program offers an extensive education along with networking opportunities that are of direct benefit to the board.

Hausman is asking the county to cover tuition of about $2,800 and she will pay the associated travel and lodging expenses. In her estimation, her investment adds up to over 50 percent of total costs. Neil Bock was not present at the previous discussion, but reviewed video and says it would be easier to approve if sponsored by the Iowa State Association of Counties (ISAC) or the National Association of Counties (NACO). However, her willingness to cost share alleviates many of his concerns. Two supervisors, Gene Meiners and Dean Schettler, were unsure. Meiners’ concerns are whether this is defined as a private or public enterprise and potential questions from auditors. Bock says Hausman should be applauded for her initiative.

Another question before the board was if Hausman is eligible to vote on the request. Chair, Rich Ruggles, has no problem with it and Bock points out the supervisors are allowed to vote on their own expense reports, so this should be no different. Hausman says she is stunned and disappointed in some member’s reactions.

The board approved sharing the expenses on a vote of three in favor with Meiners against. Dean Schettler was not present at the meeting.

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