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Iowa Senate District 6 Democratic Candidate Wins Endorsement Of Andrew Yang And An Organization He Founded

The Democratic nominee for Iowa Senate District 6, C.J. Petersen of Templeton, has received the endorsement of an organization founded by Andrew Yang, a former presidential candidate and entrepreneur. The show of support from Humanity Forward and Yang comes on the heels of Petersen’s introduction of a plan to revitalize rural Iowa. “C.J. has a bold plan, dubbed the Homecomers Initiative, to reinvest in rural communities, which would include funding for Universal Basic Income pilots in Iowa,” says Yang.  Petersen’s Homecomers Initiative is designed to address the technological, social and economic challenges entrepreneurs face when starting a new business or in making improvements to existing urban and rural operations. “While our current political leaders look for more ways to throw money at corporations who have no allegiance to our communities,” Petersen says, “we have incredible existing business owners and entrepreneurs right here that can use that money better than any CEO or politician ever could. This endorsement, according to Petersen, validates his stance that “common-sense solutions don’t have a party identifier—if it helps people, I’ll be for it. It’s really that simple,” he says.

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