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Carroll County Public Health Records Sixth Coronavirus-Related Death Friday

Carroll County Public Health has recorded an additional coronavirus-related death, bringing the total for the county now to six since the beginning of the pandemic. According to public health officials, the individual was in the 80 years or older age category. As of noon today (Friday), Carroll County stands at 861 total cases, 524 recovered and a 19.6% positivity rate. Elsewhere in the listening area: Audubon County has 113 cases, 41 recovered, one death and a 9.4% rate; Calhoun at 234 cases, 197 recovered, 3 deaths and 13.6% positivity rate; Crawford has 1,202 total, 888 recovered, nine deaths and a 14.9% rate; Greene stands at 147 cases, 74 recovered and 7.8%; Guthrie County has 323 total cases, 194 recovered, 12 deaths and 18.3% positivity; and Sac at 324 cases, 145 recovered, one death and a 11.8% rate. Public health officials are reminding Iowans a negative COVID-19 test is only a snapshot of a single point in time. It is still possible to be exposed to the disease and infected later. They continue to strongly recommend wearing face coverings when social distancing is not possible, washing hands frequently and staying home when sick. To date, Iowa has recorded, 96,980 positive cases, 75,009 recovered and 1,433 deaths. For the most up-to-date statistics on cases in the state, visit coronavirus.iowa.gov.

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