Gov. Kim Reynolds and the Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA) announced today (Friday) the launch of a new initiative to keep utilities connected for Iowans negatively impacted by the pandemic. The Residential Utility Disruption Prevention Program will provide eligible households with up to $2,000 to be used on electric, natural gas and water bills if they are at risk of disconnection due to a COVID-19-related loss of income. Reynolds says, “We are facing an unprecedented pandemic and from the very beginning the state has made it a priority to provide critical assistance to families, farmers, renters, homeowners and small business owners. For Iowans who lost their job or saw their paycheck shrink as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Residential Utility Disruption Prevention Program will help them keep the power on and their water running,” says Reynolds. The assistance plan is funded through $14.5 million set aside from Iowa’s portion of federal CARES Act money. Primary Iowa residences are eligible if they have an unpaid utility bill balance, entered into a payment plan with their provider, annual income is 80% of the median family income based on county and household size and have experienced a COVID-related loss of income between March 17 and Oct. 31.