In recognition of Physical Therapy Month, employees at Manning Regional Healthcare Center (MRHC) are encouraging Facebook followers to join them for a few minutes every day. “We’re celebrating physical therapy month at MRHC by introducing at least one stretch per day that people can do before work, at their workstations or on the farm, as well as exercises to stretch your back and hips,” says Physical Therapist, Charlie Whalen. With a goal of helping people with common problem areas, the daily posts on Facebook feature stories, stretching demonstrations and tips for the best sleeping positions. Static stretches for the back and hips and those for more active routines will be available as well. “We wanted to share these stretches and activities for people to do every day either after they wake up, before they go to bed or throughout the day to promote an active and healthy lifestyle,” says Alex Fletcher, an MRHC physical therapy assistant. A link to the Facebook page can be found below.
Link to demonstrations: