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Region XII Requests Input From Audubon County Residents For Comprehensive Plan Development

The Region XII Council of Governments, in conjunction with the Audubon County Board of Supervisors, is requesting residents complete a brief survey to aid in the development of a new comprehensive plan. The 32-question survey covers a variety of topics ranging from current municipal services and amenities, housing availability and recreation to areas where the county should pursue improvements or development. The survey is available online and a link to where it can be completed has been included below this story. Paper copies can also be picked up from the Audubon County Engineer’s Office and the Audubon, Exira and Kimballton libraries. Once completed, physical forms can be returned by mail to Region XII in Carroll. Responses to the survey will be kept confidential and play a key role in developing the comprehensive plan. Officials expect the plan to be complete in December of 2021, and it will serve as guidance for county leaders regarding growth and development for the next decade.

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