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Glidden City Hall Collecting Items For People In Need Over The Holidays

Glidden residents have until the Friday before Christmas, Dec. 18, to drop off new or lightly used winter clothing at city hall for use by students in the Glidden-Ralston Community School District. Each year, staff at city hall and the library set up a mitten tree in the shared hallway for people to hang their donations. According to Administrator, Brooke Peterson, they are collecting everything from hats and gloves to socks and boots. However, the most needed items currently are snow pants to be used during recess. People interested in supporting the cause can simply leave their donations at the base of the tree inside city hall. Employees are also collecting new, unopened toys for the New Opportunities drive. The final day to leave toy donations will be Sunday, Dec. 6 during Glidden’s Winter Wonderland. For more information, contact city hall at 712-659-3010.