lang="en-US"> Carroll Supervisors Debate Vaccine Mandate And Extension Of COVID Family Leave – Carroll Broadcasting Company
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Carroll Supervisors Debate Vaccine Mandate And Extension Of COVID Family Leave

The Carroll County Board of Supervisors held a discussion earlier this week on COVID-19 and the roll out of the vaccine as well as the expiration of family leave at the end of the year. Chair, Rich Ruggles, opened the public discourse saying he by no means has a law degree, but thought they should discuss whether or not the board can, will or should mandate employee vaccinations and what steps they should take for the beginning of 2021 on the question of leave.

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Ruggles sees both sides of the vaccine debate, but has concerns about spread.

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Ruggles is not very comfortable with making the vaccine a requirement, but is also not in favor of employees, for example an EMT who has not been vaccinated, interacting so intimately with the general public. Stephanie Hausman answers the question from Gene Meiners about how many county employees have signed up for the vaccine.

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Hausman believes they are completely overstepping their bounds with a requirement and would like to talk with County Attorney, John Werden, before even considering this option. She also says other public entities have faced legal challenges from mandatory flu vaccinations. Neil Bock voices his opinion and questions their recourse if a non-vaccinated employee is infected.

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Meiners agrees, giving a general summarization of his thoughts.

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Talk on the possibility of a waiver and then a mask requirement for those that don’t get vaccinated was held, but the general consensus is that they should consider the options and do some research and bring the discussion back at their next meeting on Monday, Dec. 21.