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City Of Carroll And RDG Planning And Design Deploy Survey And Interactive Map For Input On Corridor Of Commerce Project

The City of Carroll has initiated the first phase of a U.S. Highway 30 Corridor of Commerce project. City Manager, Mike Pogge-Weaver, explains this is an initiative that goes beyond tangibles. It is also a means to develop an environment for success of retailers and other quality of life elements.

He says while Carroll remains a strong retail destination, there have been unique challenges. COVID-19, the closing of JC Penney and other issues have led leaders to discussions on being proactive and aggressive in recruitment, retention and need fulfillment for the region.

Charlie Cowell, an Urban Planner with RDG Planning and Design, explains that the first step in determining the wants and needs of a community is gathering input.

Cowell says they have a survey on the website that really dives deeply into the long-term vision for Carroll.

Pogge-Weaver says when it comes to the interactive map, they are seeing a good deal of variety already.

According to Cowell, their timeline has an action strategy developed my March. To do this, they would like input on the survey and interactive map completed by the end of January. There will be more opportunities for public input and interaction throughout the process that will be adapted to adhere to COVID guidelines. A link to the full interview and the Corridor of Commerce website, survey and map can be found below. Those without access to the internet can call City Hall to request a paper copy at 792-1000.
Link to Corridor of Commerce website, survey and interactive map: https://rdgusa.mysocialpinpoint.com/carrollhwy30/home#take-a-survey
Full interview with Charlie Cowell and Mike Pogge-Weaver:

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