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Carroll County Compensation Board Moves Forward With Recommendation For Six Percent Salary Increase For Sheriff And Four Percent For All Other Elected Officials

The Carroll County Compensation Board narrowly passed a motion Thursday to recommend a six-percent salary increase for the county sheriff and four percent for all other elected officials to the Carroll County Board of Supervisors. The seven-member panel convened at 5 p.m. via Zoom. Their first item of business was to elect officers for the board. Mike Franey was chosen to serve as chairman while Paul Greteman and Diane Janning reprised their roles as vice chairman and secretary, respectively. Once officers were selected, John Brockelsby, who represents the supervisors, suggested they use the Social Security cost-of-living index as a starting point.

The supervisors’ other representative, Jean Ludwig, agreed with Brockelsby’s initial proposition. Former Carroll Police Chief and newest board member, Jeff Cayler, understood the logic behind the proposal but says a flat 1.3-percent recommendation does not account for discrepancies between offices.

Last year’s Compensation Board recommended a five-percent increase for the sheriff and county attorney. The final say falls to the supervisors, and they ended up approving an increase of 3.57 percent. Treasurer Representative, Chris Whitaker, noted his concerns for an ongoing disparity in salaries between the sheriff and Carroll’s police chief.

Ludwig believes this number was too high, especially considering the other benefits, such as the high-quality health insurance county officials receive. Whitaker says benefits are not in their purview.

Brockelsby suggested an amendment to also increase the county attorney’s salary by six percent, but it did not gain traction with the other members. When put to a vote, the motion for a six-percent salary increase for the county sheriff and four percent for all other elected officials passed on a margin of four in favor and three against. Franey will bring the board’s recommendations to the supervisors during their Monday, Dec. 21 meeting. The supervisors are under no obligation to follow their suggestion and are not expected to act on it until January. Full audio from the meeting can be found included with this story on our website

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