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Three COVID-Related Deaths Reported In Seven-County Region

Three additional coronavirus-related deaths have been reported in the seven-county region. Carroll County has recorded one additional death, bringing the total to 27. The county is ranked 25th in the state with a two-week positivity rate of 16.5 percent and has a total of 2,238 cases with 1,850 recovered. Audubon and Calhoun Counties also each reported an additional death. Audubon now has seven with a 10.2 percent positivity rate, 342 positive cases and 278 recovered. Calhoun’s death toll rises to nine. As of 6 a.m. this (Friday) morning, they hold the seventh lowest positivity rate in the state at 9.2 percent with 1,152 positives and 986 recovered. Crawford has jumped to the second highest Iowa ranking at 23 percent. They have 1,994 positives with 1,674 recovered and 16 deaths. In the rest of the region: Greene County has a 12.2 percent rate, 609 positives, 482 recovered and six deaths; Guthrie is at 13.5 percent with 873 positives, 681 recovered and 22 deaths; and Sac County has a 13.7 percent rate with 994 positives, 750 recovered and 10 deaths. For the most up-to-date statistics on a statewide and county-by-county basis log on to