The numbers from a two-week holiday special traffic enforcement program have been reported by area law enforcement, who were pleased to see little activity. The partnerships with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) for the Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign from Dec. 18, 2020 through Jan. 1, 2021 was aimed at educating drivers and providing an enhanced law enforcement presence to help protect the public from impaired drivers. The Carroll and Jefferson Police Departments and the Carroll County Sheriff’s Office participated and between the three only two impaired driving arrests were reported, one related to alcohol consumption and one to drugs. A total of 149 warnings were issued for other traffic infractions, the main ones being for equipment violations, speeding and tinted windows. Drivers received a total of 45 citations, the majority again for speeding and then other traffic violations. The Carroll Police Department recorded 20 citations and 58 warnings. The Carroll County Sheriff’s Office 13 citations and 49 warnings and the Jefferson Police Department 12 citations and 42 warnings.