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Region XII Regional Housing Authority Is Open And Accepting Housing Voucher Applications

The Region XII Regional Housing Authority is reminding area residents they are open and accepting applications in their mission to provide very low-income families access to affordable, safe, decent and sanitary housing and promote upward personal economic and social mobility with opportunities to transition from subsidized to non-subsidized housing. One of the ways they fulfill this mission is through Housing Choice Vouchers (HCV), formerly known as Section 8, which is a rent subsidy program. This voucher can be used locally or travel with the family if they move out of the jurisdiction. To apply for the voucher program, applicants will need to provide birth certificates and social security numbers for all members of the household and photo identification for adults. Outreach efforts have been scheduled for Harlan this Friday, Jan. 15 and in Logan on Wednesday, Jan. 27. Applicants in those areas will need to make an appointment for those dates and can do so by calling 712-792-5560. In Carroll, applications are taken from 8 a.m. to noon and then 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Monday’s through Thursdays and no appointments are required. The Regional Housing Authority service area includes Carroll, Audubon, Crawford, Greene, Guthrie, Sac, Ida, Shelby and Harrison Counties.