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IDPH Provides Update On Next Phase Of Vaccine Rollout With More Details To Come From Carroll COVID Town Hall Tonight

The Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) has provided an update on the next phase of the COVID-19 vaccination rollout. After a meeting with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) the department believes they can begin transitioning from phase 1A to 1B no later than Feb. 1. The current phase of vaccinations is for health care personnel and the patients and staff at long-term care facilities. Phase 1B will include Iowans who are 75 and over and other members of the high-risk population. This focus on the most vulnerable to exposure and to the most severe symptoms include individuals with disabilities living in home settings, correctional facilities, other congregate settings and meatpacking plant workers. A more detailed description can be found by following the link included below. The Iowa Department of Public Health has also created a timeline to help residents understand when they can expect to receive a vaccination. The link below also includes that information. As the time for this next round draws near, more settings and locations for vaccinations will become available, including employer-based clinics, through health care providers, pharmacies and in clinical settings equipped to handle screening and scheduling of the vaccination efforts. The department continues to urge Iowans to practice mitigation methods of face coverings, social distancing, staying at home if you are sick and thorough and frequent hand washing. A special town hall on the vaccination topic for our immediate area is being hosted by St. Anthony Regional Hospital, the McFarland Clinic of Carroll and Carroll County Public Health tonight (Jan. 18) and will be livestreamed beginning at 5:30 p.m. from the St. Anthony website at


Link to vaccine timeline, description of populations and examples: