Of the seven counties in the regional listening area, six are now reporting COVID-19 two-week positivity rates below 15 percent and three of those are under 10 percent. However, one more coronavirus-related death was reported in Carroll County. As of 7 a.m. this (Monday) morning, Greene and Audubon Counties are reporting the lowest rates. Greene is at 8.6 percent with 70 active cases, 688 total with 618 recovered and seven deaths. Audubon is at 8.8 percent with 56 active cases, 411 total, 355 recovered and eight deaths. Crawford County remains at number six in the state for two-week positivity rates at 21.3 percent. They are reporting 277 active cases with 2,284 total, 2,007 recovered and 22 deaths. Carroll County has now recorded 34 deaths with a 13.5 percent positivity rate, 290 active cases from a total of 2,535 with 2,245 recovered. Calhoun County is at 9.3 percent with 67 active cases, 1,220 total with 1,153 recovered and nine deaths. Guthrie has 153 active cases. Of their 1,028 positives, 875 are recovered, they have a positivity rate of 12.4 percent and 24 deaths. And Sac County has 108 active cases. From their 1,107 total, 999 are classified as recovered and they have a 12.8 percent rate with 15 deaths. The most up-to-date statistics can be found at coronavirus.iowa.gov.