lang="en-US"> Local Healthcare Officials Detail Next Phase Of COVID Vaccinations-Who Will Be Eligible And When – Carroll Broadcasting Company
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Local Healthcare Officials Detail Next Phase Of COVID Vaccinations-Who Will Be Eligible And When

Local healthcare professionals hosted a COVID-19 vaccination virtual town hall meeting earlier this week, and Carroll Broadcasting followed up with a live interview with the Director of Carroll County Public Health, Nicole Schwering, and Public Health Nurse, Sara Schulte. The main focus of discussions included the first round of Moderna vaccinations made available to front-line medical workers and Pfizer’s that were distributed to staff and residents at long-term care facilities. They also covered when we can expect to move from phase 1A to phase 1B and who will be included. Schulte says Carroll County COVID positivity numbers have decreased greatly as of late.

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Schwering says the hope is they will be moving into the next phase by early February. There had been some frustration that nearby states had proposed opening 1B to those 65 and older, but a Thursday announcement by the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) revealed the state will include those 65 and over as well. One of the biggest setbacks of the initial rollout was a reduction in the estimated dosages the area healthcare facilities would receive. Schulte and Schwering are proud to say they were able to inoculate every dose received.

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Schwering says the shortage is expected to carry through to the next phase.

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Schulte says people need to be aware of where to go to find out when they will be able to get on the vaccination list.

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They caution the vaccine will provide about 95 percent antibody build up, so there is still a five percent chance of getting or transmitting COVID. It also takes at least two to three weeks after vaccination to build up those immunities. Because of the anticipated shortfalls, the IDPH has created a tiered approach to the 1B prioritization list. Tier one includes first responders, pre-kindergarten through 12th grade staff, early childhood educators and childcare workers. Tier two will be frontline essential workers in food, agriculture and manufacturing who live or work in non-social distancing settings and individuals with disabilities living at home and their direct-care staff. Tier three is staff and individuals in congregate settings not already covered, government officials and their staff who are engaged in business at the Capitol. Tier four is inspectors responsible for health, life and safety and Tier five will be correctional facility staff and incarcerated individuals. Schwering and Schulte says they are hoping that the area will have seen widespread vaccinations completed by this fall. Even with vaccines underway, all area healthcare officials continue to urge the use of mitigation methods with continued mask wearing, social distancing and frequent hand washing. Links to the virtual town hall, the interview with Schwering and Schulte and the phone number for Carroll County Public Health are included below.


Covid-19 Vaccine Town Hall:

Interview with Schwering and Schulte:

Carroll County Public Health Phone: 712-794-5408