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IKM-Manning Announces COVID Mitigation Protocols Will Remain The Same For Students, Staff And Community Members

On Friday Iowa Gov., Kim Reynolds, issued a new proclamation that became effective Sunday, loosening many of the COVID-19 mitigation protocols in place since Iowa coronavirus cases surged this past fall. The proclamation urges at-risk individuals to continue to remain at home as much as possible and asks all other Iowa residents to continue limiting interaction with at-risk individuals as a protective measure. In addition, it advises businesses and organizations to take whatever measures they deem necessary to protect the health of all. Following Friday’s announcement, the IKM-Manning Community School District released a statement saying they will be continuing to require mitigation measures already in place. Mask wearing and social distancing of students, staff and community members will still be required when at the school, on the buses or at any activities. The district will also be continuing to practice limited attendance policies for all events. The last announced guidelines for those attending activities required tickets for admittance. Each participating student is given enough tickets for their entire immediate household plus two additional. Social distancing from other households is also still expected at all events. Anyone with questions is urged to contact the district office at 712-655-3781.